Petrol Biolub 46 - nov proizvod na tržišču

B. Jager, R. Šraj, J. Vižintin

Ventil 3 (1997) 75–78.


Sklenjen je prvi del razvoja domačega biološko razgradljivega hidravličnega fluida na osnovi repičnega olja. V prispevku so predstavljene njegove osnovne fizikalno-kemijske in mehanske lastnosti, opravljena je primerjava le-teh z lastnostmi ustreznega hidravličnega olja mineralnega porekla ter navedeni in komentirani rezultati preskušanja v laboratoriju in na delovnem stroju.

The first part of the project to develop domestic biodegradable hydraulic fluid was successfuly completed. In the article its chemical, physical and mechanical properties are presented and a comparison to the characteristics of mineral hydraulic oil is made. Laboratory and practical field test are described and their results are discused.

Keywords: hydraulic fluids, biodegradable fluids, mineral hydraulic oils, properties, development, laboratory testing, field testing, characteristics

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