An approach to practical reliability improvement

M. Trstenjak, J. Vižintin

Maintenance & Asset Management 17 (2002) 5–9.


At a Slovenian ironworks it was observed that breakdowns of certain machinery occurred very frequently and that one of the main reasons for poor levels of production was the very low operational reliability of these machines. Because of this, a decision was taken to introduce a new programme of maintenance improvement. The main purpose of the change was to increase the production rate of the hot-rolling-mill to the highest level which its capabilities would sustain - given the implementation of an appropriate maintenance regime. A case study is presented of the essential features of this programme and describes the approach to the reliability improvement of machines which, although important to the production process, were not utilised all the time. The programme itself and the solutions adopted to the various problems presented were optimised to meet the specific needs of the ironworks.

Keywords: maintenance, reliability improvement program, vzdrževanje, izboljšava zanesljivosti

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