WEMESURF – Caracterisation of wear mechanisms and surface funtionalities from micro to the nano range

Project duration

2006 - 2010

Project Category


Contact Information

prof. dr. Mitjan Kalin


  • AC²T - Austrian Center of Competence for Tribology GmbH (Austria)
  • ARMINES (France)
  • ATOMKI (Hungary)
  • Cardiff University (United Kingdom )
  • Imperial College London (United Kingdom )
  • ITEE (Poland)
  • NanoFocus AG (Germany)
  • OptoServ GmbH (Germany)
  • Philips Applied Technologies (Netherlands)
  • SKF Engineering and Research Centre (Netherlands)
  • Vienna University of Technology (Austria)
  • University of Hannover (Netherlands)
  • University of studies of Milan(Italy)

Manufacturing techniques of surface preparation (polishing, lapping, deposition of coating materials, etc.) have reached precision in nano-metre scale. Although it is possible to measure sub micro-metre structures of these surfaces (topography, thickness of coatings, etc.) there is hardly any information available about their functionality in tribological systems or wear characteristic due to nano-metre or even micro-metre surface effects. So there is a strong need for the development of capable measuring devices and for a higher level theoretical parameter model to predict behaviour of tribosystems and quality criteria of work pieces. The objective of the WEMESURF is to setup an effective and sustainable research platform for the study and development of innovative measuring methods and mathematical approaches for wear mechanisms on nano-metre scale.

Cilji projekta so:

  • Združevanje različnih znanj in inštitutov, preučevanje orodij za merjenje in simulacijo, katera so ali pa bi lahko bila uporabljena za karakterizacijo obrabe in lastnosti površin. Določiti teoretični parameter in model kriterijev za karakterizacijo obrabe in lastnosti površin na nano-skali. Pregled stanja razvoja na področju merilnih tehnik in naprav. Razvoj novih merilnih naprav. Primerjava rezultatov različnih merilnih tehnik na nano-skali. Povezava teoretičnega modela z življenjsko dobo triboloških sistemov. Predlog za testiranje in ocenjevalne postopke ter tehnike, ki bi industriji pomagale izvesti boljše meritve površin. Predlog standardizacije merilnih tehnik, kalibracije inštrumentov ter karakterizacije površin.