dr. Anastasia Samodurova
Short biography
Dr. Anastasia Samodurova received her Master Degree in Physical Chemistry from Lomonosov Moscow State University in 2011. In the same year she was employed as a Young Researcher at the Department of Engineering Ceramics, Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana. In 2015 she completed her doctoral thesis titled “Ageing of zirconia ceramics for dental applications” under supervision of Prof. Tomaž Kosmač and co-supervision of Assist. Prof. Andraž Kocjan. During her PhD she received Best Poster Awards at the 5th Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School Students' Conference and 14th European Inter-Regional Conference on Ceramics, Stuttgart, Germany. Currently she is continuing her work as a researcher at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Ljubljana in the Laboratory for Tribology and Interface Nanotechnology.